
/diskset "::RoT"

/dirset "core/characters"

/open run "xanthophyll.char" w "characterreader.exe"

chareader- "help" for this message again, "dwlog" for the character's dreamworld story log, "dwinfo" for the characters dreamworld specific info, "rwinfo" for the characters realworld specific info, "rwlog" for the character's realworld story log, "info" for universal character info, "wnotes" for writer's notes, "exit" to exit


Full name: Xanthophyll "xantho" Mae Oleander - Current age: 19 - Pronouns: he/him. Starlight gets to use he/she for him but nobody else, not even the narration - Birthday: 24/4


My favourite character as of now, where to begin, really? Well, first of all I designed his part of the website with his interest in computers in mind, and since he canonically wrote his own operating system (as well as a bunch of computer and robot related shenanigans, such as the creation of Moca in DW, and in RW assisting arrow with the forums, as well as creating project_b33 (bee), as well as having a laptop that is falling appart as we speak), I decided that it would be neat to go with a computer aesthetic! I don't actually know how command line stuff works please forgive me i just wrote stuff that sounded cool and worked somewhat. I'm a poser I know :(

On a note related to that, if anyone knows how to make this actually look like this is on a computer (like having the stuff be in a computer screen) I would love you literally forever i think. No need to do it for me just give me like a guide or something.



Age in important story arcs: 14 (dealing with envy, dealing with xander (anris OC) and leaving the lab), 19 (back in the fucking building again) (i couldnt not make the snapcube fandub reference)

orientation: aromantic, in a queerplatonic relationship with starlight

gender: transmasc bigender (not mentioned as much as it is in his RW story, on account of the horrific trauma. not like RW xantho isnt experiencing horrific trauma, DW xantho just has like so much going on i had no idea how to fit it in)


hes kind of shaped like shadow the hedgehog and also i accidentally made his backstory alot like shadow the hedgehog without realizing and i was in too deep to change that. like damn girl you're a failed lab experiment that resulted in almost everyone even vaguely related to your experiement dying and losing your own sister? (well, in xanthos case she didnt die she just shoved him in a box and left him) and your memory has been manipulated? tell me more about your experience playing sonic adventure 2


ERROR: File data missing or corrupted


NOTE - extra character found - name=Penny.char. Cannot be seperated from character file.

Age in important story arcs: 12 (envys dead!!!! :D), 14 (ace is dead D:), 16 (his arc with starlight and micheal and all that, moving into xander and cypress's house, leaving xander and cys house because theyre getting a not-divorce and cypress fucking stabbed him, and cinder happening to him)(what one hell of a year honestly), 19 (RoT main story arc, hes now the main cast's emotional support fucked up guy)

orientation: aromantic, in a queerplatonic relationship with starlight

gender: transmasc bigender (mentioned as a minor conflict/story point, mostly to vent my own fustrations with being bigender and aromantic)


The better written one out of the two of him, with a more consistent timeline and stuff and i have a better feel for how to write him. Also his main character arc is about grief and guilt and like. I didn't realize it until a later point but a lot of his outfit is given to him by dead people (Ace's hoodie, and P90's hat) and i decided thats the perfect opportunity to throw his moms coat into the mix, but it's tricky to get right so I don't draw it often.



  • (Age 9) Xantho's mom is killed by his aunt, and it's pinned on him
  • He gets into a fight with his sister, where she shoves him into a box
  • Ace finds him in the box and they become friends, Ace noticing the abuse his aunt is putting him through
  • (Age 12) Ace teams up with a guy named Liam to kill xanthos aunt, but she kills him as this is happening. A spiritus (which is later named penny) gives him 9 lives in return for being able to posses him. It originally intends to trick him so she can take over and live his life but she eventually realizes his life sucks and that it doesn't want to.
  • (Age 14) ace dies and xantho fucking loses it entirely, followed by juniper who he wasnt as close to but still cared about.
  • He eventually calms down but this changes him forever, making him taking on what ace said about "doing anything for the people you care about" in a very literal sense. He also reuinites with starlight, a childhood friend.
  • (Age 16) Starlight admits to xantho that their brother is abusing them because of their chronic pain, caused by a car accident where their leg and spine didn't heal properly. Xantho kills their brother after it's revealed he's trying to kill them, but begins to question Ace's ideals and what they mean.
  • also he moves in with cypress and xander (anris OC). Xander is kind of like his dad figure (increasingly incompetent) (this ends badly for him)
  • He also begins to think that hes too much of a burden to tell anyone about the issues he's facing, believing himself to be pure evil while everyone else around him is good
  • Eventually, starlight confronts him on this and he admits to them about the stuff that's happened in his life. They get to a better understanding of eachother and xantho promises not to hide himself from them, and apologizes for being the way he was, while still keeping some of the mentality of being incredibly dedicated to his friends
  • also some point around here he has a minor gender identity crisis. and also says to starlight that he's worried that people are going to misinterpret their relationship as romantic when its not but its also not platonic either
  • Ebony, who's kind of been relevant this entire time i just didnt mention it (basically she's been teaching him guitar and also healthy coping mechanisms somewhat) (yes i have a character called ebony and a headmate called ebony. multiple headmates called ebony in fact. its complicated) anyways she confronts him on the whole dedicated to his friends to a fault things which kind of makes him slow down but he still struggles with it
  • Xantho notices cypress and xanders declining relationship, and tries to get them to talk it out which fails miserably. Cypress begins to blame him for the relationship failing, and stabs him. Xander kicks cypress out for this, but xantho is shocked when xander brings him back as if nothing happened and like he wasn't literally stabbed. he moves in with ebony before moving in with starlight.
  • Starlight's grandma - who was taking care of them after their brother died - dies, leaving them heartbroken. Their parents move back in, and are increasingly negligent . They also kick xantho out, which makes him move back in with ebony.
  • anyways starlight makes friends with a girl named cinder who killed her dad for abusing her mom and is also a werewolf. The two get close and cinder eventually learns about stars parents and teams up with xantho to beat the shit out of them (but no murder because murder is wrong) so theyre in hospital long enough for star to move out. anyways cinder loses control in werewolf mode and xantho pushes his body past his limits to drag her to safety despite the fact he should be dead at this point.
  • cinder decides that if star is moving in xantho might as well so xantho moves in and they all start a band and also some other girl called coyote girl joins
  • Xantho still feels guilty about the whole killing people thing and cinder basically tells him well you did what you could in that situation. and then says shes like a stupid little brother to him and tries to pavlov him into not feeling permanently guilty all the time
  • anyways his mental health actually recovers here !! would be a shame if the main story arc happened and permanently destroyed his mental state
  • (age 19) Xantho ends up being a support figure to jas (Anri's OC) and her entire friendgroup, who are somewhat younger than him. He and jas have a kind of cousin/sibling relationship. anyways theyre hanging out !!
  • Xantho makes friends with a guy called leo (anri's OC), except for some reason they dont call themselves friends but also yes theyre basically besties. anyways leo is part of a cult that drugs him up so he cant feel anything, and then takes the drugs away as punishment. Xantho ends up finding leo passed out and takes him home where they talk about their problems.
  • One day leo reveals to xantho that he needs to be killed so the leader of the cult cant go through with his plan. Xantho doesn't like this because enough of his friends have died or almost died already, but he cant say anything - leo makes him promise to take care of liesa, who is basically a little sister to him.
  • Annoyed, xantho tries to find a way to stop it, but leo confronts him on it. Xantho backs down but is increasingly bitter, hoping to find another way around it.
  • There is no other way through, and leo dies. this basically destroys xantho, being coincided with the death of his other friend p90 - he's seen enough death in his life at this point, and this leaves him exhausted and completely nonfunctional. He can only bring himself to do things for liesa, because he promised leo he'd do so.
  • Starlight and cinder do take care of him in this time, but this has basically absolutely destroyed him. Jas and her friends try to break him out of his shell.
  • he does eventually recover, and while he does make attempts to take care of people, he's nowhere near as passionate as before. although he still hasnt having lost his faith in people. That's the only part of him that cant be broken i think
  • also he gets to fight god. as a treat.

Advanced Timeline of events:

age 4-6:

  • His parents' divorce. The relationship ends on good terms, but his dads leave (almost as if they're being hunted) and take his twin with him. He still has Cypher (anri's OC and also his sibling) His mom gets fired soon after, but finds a new job relatively quickly.
  • Being too young to fully understand, this doesn't affect him much - but he does miss his twin.

Age 9, aka where things REALLY start:

  • The camping trip incident.
  • His mom had something horrible out about her sister (Xantho's aunt) - that being, she's a murderer.
  • She cautiously slowed down her interaction with her on the basis of "being busy with work", rather than immediately cutting her off, out of fear of raising suspicion. She still agreed to go on a camping trip.
  • Unfortunately for her, her sister knew what she found out, and caught her alone, attempting to kill her - Xanthophyll, looking for his mom after Cypher scared him with a story about wolves in the forest, stumbled onto this scene.
  • His mom, knowing there was no chance of her surviving, instructed him to take the knife out to protect himself, giving him her coat. She hated that she had to do it, but she'd rather him survive than take him down with her.
  • Unfortunately, this only gave her sister basis to pin the murder on him (and yes i know what youre thinking - "how did that work hes like 9 no way anyone believed that". Shes a very good liar, and also the media caught onto the story immediately because "kid kills his mom" is interesting enough to sell)(i never consider how the law factors into my stories outside of "murder is bad" because we'd be here all day otherwise)
  • Very soon after this, he's kicked out of school as they don't want to be associated with it all. He and Cypher get into an argument, which turns into an actual fight, and in a panic she shoves him into a box and dumps him on the side of the road.
  • Here, Ace finds him, and carefully brings him back home - he's shocked by the kindess, having gone through the worst week of his life (so far) (it gets worse from here. like so much worse. this guy is a vessel for stubborness and experiencing the horrors)
  • When Xantho gets back, Cypher is gone - this leads him to assume she's dead, when in reality she's just gone into foster care, while he's being left under his aunt's care. And she hates him.
  • He ends up becoming close to Ace and his friends, and some other people around where his aunt lives (like Jas, and P90), them being the only thing he has to latch onto after what is basically his entire world shifted around him. He still has his "dog", atleast. (dog in quotations because its fucking huge and might as well be a wolf. its a good dog though :P)
  • Ace begins to notice his awful situation, and begins to attempt to take care of him, although not fully knowing what's going on.
  • He also gets put into a strange tutor program, where he meets Xander (anri's OC) and Cypress. Xander has a severe case of having looney toons shit happen to him all the time, and Cypress is tired. He likes them because they let him sleep in class, and eventually gets along with them after a few cases of biting Xander for startling him.

Age 12

  • After a while, the abuse from his aunt just builds up, Ace becoming fully aware of it. It's almost comedically evil - the luckiest he gets is not being fed that day, and the worst is the organ freezer incident and multiple failed murder attempts. Xantho uses the sheer severity of it to cope through humor, almost - he'd be laughing alot more if it didn't actually happen. But he still takes some of the things his aunt says to heart - the main being the blame for his mothers death, her convincing him he's a monster.
  • Even in the face of all this, he still stays hopeful, people there to remind him that there's good in the world. He just has to wait for it to get better. And he does wait. He waits for ages, taking the abuse with a smile when he shouldn't.
  • Still, Ace can't stand for it. Giving in, he goes to Liam (anri's OC) about it, begrudgingly partnering up with him to take care of Xantho's aunt. (They hate eachother soooo so much. so so much. It's funnier when you consider this guy is a 50yo mass murderer vigilante guy fighting with a 16 year old who does crime just for the fun of it.)
  • Xantho, somewhat unaware of this plan, gets hurt by his aunt again - this time, she pushes him down the stairs. He walks away, thankfully only midly injured, and asks Ace for help because he caught himself on something on his way down and has a cut - Ace wraps the wound up, and promises to do anything for him, because thats what friends are for, right? (even if they do view eachother more as brothers than anything). He doesn't realize that Ace means this literally.
  • The next day, he's back to dealing with his aunt again. She's mad at him for running away last night. He's waiting for her to do something, only to be shocked by Liam and Ace breaking in and attacking her. In a panic, she fights back, stabbing Xantho. Ace panickingly drags him off to the side to deal with his injuries, while Liam deals with her.
  • Something strange happens - he wakes up, in nothingness, at his own funeral - he's too confused for it to set in yet. A voice sings to him, and he's greeted by the shape of a cat. It pities him for his death, before offering to bring him back to life - in fact, it gives him nine lives, in exchange for using his body as a vessel. He refuses, just wanting to be brought back so he doesn't want to worry Ace, and not wanting the extra lives, but he eventually caves in.
  • To his relief, he wakes up. His aunt is dead, and he's at Liam's house. And that cat is there - he eventually becomes to accept that the strange cat he met isn't just a hallucination, and gives it the name Penny, the first name he thinks of when it tells him it doesn't have a name.
  • It takes a while - eventually Ace brings him to a weird sketchy.. Well, can it even be called an orphanage? Still, he has his own room, and is mostly left to do his own thing, and he's allowed to keep Fluffy, so he doesn't mind. Still, he gets used to it, and Ace visits frequently.
  • Still, he's safe now, and he should be happy, right, right???
  • no unfortunately not we're only half way through the train wreck that is xantho's life. it gets worse from here folks but im getting a headache from writing all this so yeah you're going to have to wait for part 3 of xantho going through the horrors. i think its funny that hes called xander gods punching bag. girl youre you of all people you dont have the right to speak